Radiator Assembly

Flush the cooling system every 1 to 2 year(s).

Related Items

Where Used

416C, 416D, 420D, 424D, 426C, 428C, 428D, 430D, 432D, 436C, 438C, 438D, 442D

Additional Info

Steel Core core
Solid core with welded tanks.
  • Our cooling systems are designed and tested to ensure that your engines are operating at the most efficient temperature.
  • Only about 33% of the total heat from burning fuel in your engine is converted into crankshaft horsepower. Approximately 30% is expelled through exhaust, while another 7% is radiated directly into the atmosphere from engine surfaces. The remaining 30% must be dissipated through a carefully designed cooling system, which is where we come in.
  • Our cooling systems are manufactured to ensure that they remove just the right amount of heat to keep the engine at the correct operating temperature.


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